
Jak číst taxoboxKyselý lajm
alternativní popis obrázku chybí
Zralý plod
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Doménaeukaryota (Eucaryota)
Říšerostliny (Plantae)
Odděleníkrytosemenné (Magnoliophyta)
Třídavyšší dvouděložné (Rosopsida)
Řádmýdelníkotvaré (Sapindales)
Čeleďroutovité (Rutaceae)
Rodcitrus (Citrus)
(Christm.) Swingle
Binomické jméno
hybrid aurantifolia

Kyselý lajm (Citrus × aurantifolia) je hybridní citrus (C. micrantha x C. medica) s plodem kulového tvaru o průměru 2,5 - 5 cm. Obvykle je sklízen zelený, nezralý. V zralosti má barvu žlutou.

Plod je menší, obsahuje více semen, má vyšší kyselost a aromatičnost a tenčí slupku než tahitský lajm (Citrus × latifolia). Kyselý lajm je ceněn pro svoji specifickou chuť oproti ostatním limeta limetám.

C. aurantifolia je trnitý keř nebo nízký strom dorůstající do výšky 5m. Existují také trpasličí odrůdy, které mohou být pěstovány v chladnějších podmínkách a zimovány v interiérech. Kmen je obvykle křivý, bohatě se větví a to již v malé výšce. Listy jsou vejčité, 2.5–9 cm dlouhé, připomínající listy pomerančovníku hořkého. Odtut také pochází latinský název aurantifolia - pomarančovníkolistý. Květ má v průměru asi 2,5 cm, je nažloutlý se světle fialovými okraji okvětních plátků. Květy a plody se obejvují během celého roku, ale nejčastěji během května září[1][2]

Podobně jako některé další citrusy mohou rostlinné šťávy kyselého lajmu při kontaktu s pokožkou způsobit fytodermatitidu[3][4], kdy látky obsažené v této šťávě způsobí extrémní citlivost pokožky na ultrafialové záření.

Tento kultivar je hybrid, Citrus micrantha × Citrus medica.[5][6]

C. aurantiifolia is původné v jihovýchodní Asii. Odtud by přinesen na Střední východ a do severní Afriky, poté na Sicílii a do Andalusie and via Spanish explorers to the West Indies, including the Florida Keys. Henry Perrine is credited with introducing the Key lime to Florida.[7] From the Caribbean, lime cultivation spread to tropical and subtropical North America, including Mexico, Florida, and later California.

Kyselý lajm dal vzniknout několika dalším odrůdám limet. Nejznámější je zřejmě triploidní kříženec s citroníkem nazývaný tahitský lajm, zřejmě nejrozšířenější průmyslově pěstovaná limeta. Ostatní jsou klasifikovány C. aurantiifolia. Zpětným křížením s cedrátem vznikla speciální skupina triploidních limet s jistým, avšak omezeným hospodářským významem, například Tanepeo, Coppenrath, Ambilobe a Mohtasseb limen, stejně tak Madagaskarský citron. Novokaledonská a Kaghzi limeta se jeví jako výsledek samoopylení kyselého lajmu. Spontánní duplikací genomu pravděpodobně vznikla tetrapolidní gigantický kyselý lajm.[8][9] Kyselý lajm má díky tendenci tvoření diploidních gamet vysoký potenciál dát základ novým odrůdám, odolnějším proti různým chorobám než současné hospodářsky významné variety.[10]



Cultivation and propagation

Flowers of the Key lime plant

There are various approaches to the cultivation of Key limes. This variety of citrus can be propagated from seed and will grow true to the parent. The seeds must be kept moist until they can be planted, as they will not germinate if allowed to dry out. Šablona:Citation needed If the plants are propagated from seed, the seeds should be stored at least 5–6 months before planting.[11] Alternatively, vegetative propagation from cuttings or by air layering may permit fruit production within one year, and from genetically more predictable lines of plants. Or digging around a mature tree to sever roots will encourage new sprouts that can be transplanted to another location. Šablona:Citation needed Clones are often bud grafted[12] into rough lemon or sour orange to obtain strong root stocks (see also fruit tree propagation).

It is often advisable to graft the plants onto rootstocks with low susceptibility to gummosis, because seedlings generally are highly vulnerable to the disease. Useful rootstocks include wild grapefruit, cleopatra mandarin and tahiti limes.[11] C. macrophylla is also sometimes used as a rootstock in Florida to add vigor.

Climatic conditions and fruit maturation are crucial in cultivation of the lime tree. Under consistently warm conditions potted trees can be planted at any season, whereas in cooler temperate regions it is best to wait for the late winter or early spring. The Key lime tree does best in sunny sites, well-drained soils,[13][14] good air circulation, and protection from cold wind. Because its root system is shallow, the Key lime is planted in trenches or into prepared and broken rocky soil to give the roots a better anchorage and improve the trees' wind resistance. Pruning and topping should be planned to maximise the circulation of air and provide plenty of sunlight. This keeps the crown healthily dry, improves accessibility for harvesting, and discourages the organisms that cause gummosis.[11]


White key lime flower in different stages.

The method of cultivation greatly affects the size and quality of the harvest. Trees cultivated from seedlings take 4–8 years before producing a harvest. They attain their maximal yield at about 10 years of age. Trees produced from cuttings and air layering bear fruit much sooner, sometimes producing fruit (though not a serious harvest) a year after planting. It takes approximately 9 months from the blossom to the fruit. When the fruit have grown to harvesting size and begin to turn yellow they are picked and not clipped. To achieve produce of the highest market value, it is important not to pick the fruit too early in the morning; the turgor is high then, and handling turgid fruit releases the peel oils and may cause spoilage.[11]

Postharvest process

3 key lime fruits with persistent styles.

Shelf life of Key limes is an important consideration in marketing. The lime still ripens for a considerable time after harvesting, and it is usually stored between 12,5–15,5 °C (55–60 °F) at a relative humidity of 75–85%. Special procedures are employed to control the shelf life – for example, applications of growth regulators, fruit wax, fungicides, precise cooling, calcium compounds, silver nitrate, and special packing material. The preferred storage conditions are temperatures of 9–10 °C (48–50 °F) and a humidity over 85%, but even in ideal conditions post-harvesting losses are high.

In India most Key lime producers are small scale farmers without access to such post-harvesting facilities, but makeshift expedients can be of value. One successful procedure is a coating of coconut oil that improves shelf life, thereby achieving a constant market supply of Key limes.[15]

Key limes are made into black lime by boiling them in brine and drying them. Black lime is a condiment commonly used in the Middle East.

The yield varies depending on the age of the trees. Five- to seven-year-old orchards may yield about 6 t/ha (2.7 tons/acre), with harvests increasing progressively until they stabilise at about 12–18 t/ha (5.4–8 tons/acre). Seedling trees take longer to attain their maximal harvest, but eventually out-yield grafted trees.[11]



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  1. P. Golob; FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS. The use of spices and medicinals as bioactive protectants for grains. [s.l.]: Food & Agriculture Org., 1999. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-92-5-104294-6. Kapitola Alphabetical List of Plant Families with Insecticidal and Fungicidal Properties, s. 13–.  Webarchive mirror
  2. Citrus aurantiifolia Swingle. Retrieved on 2011-06-19.
  3. WEBER, Ian C; DAVIS, Charles P; GREESON, David M. Phytophotodermatitis: The other 'lime' disease. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1999, s. 235–237. ISSN 0736-4679. DOI 10.1016/s0736-4679(98)00159-0. PMID 10195477. 
  4. Phytophotodermatitis on Fingers of a Young Child [online]. 2003-04-01 [cit. 2018-10-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  5. CURK, Franck; ANCILLO, Gema Ancillo; GARCIA-LOR, Andres; LURO, François; PERRIER, Xavier; JACQUEMOUD-COLLET, Jean-Pierre; NAVARRO, Luis. Next generation haplotyping to decipher nuclear genomic interspecific admixture in Citrus species: analysis of chromosome 2. BMC Genetics. 2014, s. 152. Dostupné online. 
  6. NICOLOSI, E.; DENG, Z.N.; GENTILE, A.; LA MALFA, S.; CONTINELLA, G.; TRIBULATO, E. Citrus phylogeny and genetic origin of important species as investigated by molecular markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2000, s. 1155–1166. DOI 10.1007/s001220051419. 
  7. ROBINSON, T. Ralph. Florida International University. Henry Perrine: Pioneer horticulturist of Florida. Tequesta. Historical Association of Southern Florida as a Bulletin of the University of Miami, August 1942, s. 16–24. Dostupné online [cit. 28 November 2018]. 
  8. CURK, Franck; OLLITRAULT, Frédérique; GARCIA-LOR, Andres; LURO, François; NAVARRO, Luis; OLLITRAULT, Patrick. Phylogenetic origin of limes and lemons revealed by cytoplasmic and nuclear markers. Annals of Botany. 2016, s. 565–583. DOI 10.1093/aob/mcw005. 
  9. ALI, Muhammad Amjad; NAWAZ, Muhammad Azher. The lime: botany, production and uses. Redakce Khan M. Mumtaz. [s.l.]: CAB International, 2017. Kapitola Advances in Lime Breeding and Genetics, s. 37–53. 
  10. ROUISS, H; BAKRY, F; FROELICHER, Y; NAVARRO, L; ALEZA, P; OLLITRAULT, P. Origin of C. latifolia and C. aurantiifolia triploid limes: the preferential disomic inheritance of doubled-diploid ‘Mexican’ lime is consistent with an interploid hybridization hypothesis. Annals of Botany. 2018, s. 571–585. DOI 10.1093/aob/mcx179. 
  11. a b c d e Duke J.A., duCellier J.L. (1993): CRC handbook of alternative cash crops (page 139-145)
  12. T or Shield Budding [online]. Dostupné online. 
  13. MORTON, Julia F. Mexican Lime [online]. Purdue, 1987. S. 168–172. Dostupné online. 
  14. Home Fruit Production [online]. Dostupné online. 
  15. Bisen A., Pandey S.K., Patel N.: Effect of skin coatings on prolonging shelf life of kagzi lime fruits (Citrus aurantiifolia Swingle). Journal of Food Science Technology (2012) 49(6).753-759. (page 139–145)

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