Zlobote, Zlobote... taky jsi mohl páníčka přesvědčit, aby požádal o flag bota, byť jen dočasný... --Luděk 05:56, 31. 5. 2007 (UTC)
Jedová chýše
editovatDobrý den, pane robote. Zdá se, že z nějakého důvodu nedokážete správně hlásit diskusi Wikipedie:Diskuse o smazání/Wikipedista:DeeMusil/Jedová chýše na Posledních změnách. Mohl byste poprosit páníčka, aby Vás to naučil?--Ioannes Pragensis 28. 1. 2011, 08:39 (UTC)
- Opraveno v pátek odpoledne, díky za upozornění. --che 31. 1. 2011, 08:49 (UTC)
Robot nefunguje
editovatDobrý den, zdá se mi, že robot si od 19. února vybírá dovolenou... --Jvs 25. 2. 2013, 09:25 (UTC)
- Dobrý den, to se vám nezdá, stroj kde běží byl pár dní offline, teď by už měl být opět naživu. --che 4. 3. 2013, 10:23 (UTC)
Dobrý den, od editace z 28. 6. 2013, 10:47 robot neběží. --Jvs 1. 7. 2013, 18:07 (UTC)
- Už je opět online, teď už by podmínky připojení měly být stabilní, takže vše snad pojede až do příštího selhání disku. S pozdravem --che 11. 7. 2013, 21:22 (UTC)
editovatI apologize for sending this message in English.
You are receiving this message because a technical change may affect a bot, gadget, or user script you have been using. The breaking change involves API calls. This change has been planned for two years. The WMF will start making this change on 30 June 2015. A partial list of affected bots can be seen here: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2015-June/081931.html This includes all bots that are using pywikibot compat. Some of these bots have already been fixed. However, if you write user scripts or operate a bot that uses the API, then you should check your code, to make sure that it will not break.
What, exactly, is breaking? The "default continuation mode" for action=query requests to api.php will be changing to be easier for new coders to use correctly. To find out whether your script or bot may be affected, then search the source code (including any frameworks or libraries) for the string "query-continue". If that is not present, then the script or bot is not affected. In a few cases, the code will be present but not used. In that case, the script or bot will continue working.
This change will be part of 1.26wmf12. It will be deployed to test wikis (including mediawiki.org) on 30 June, to non-Wikipedias (such as Wiktionary) on 1 July, and to all Wikipedias on 2 July 2015.
If your bot or script is receiving the warning about this upcoming change (as seen at https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=allpages ), it's time to fix your code!
- The simple solution is to simply include the "rawcontinue" parameter with your request to continue receiving the raw continuation data (example <https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=allpages&rawcontinue=1>). No other code changes should be necessary.
- Or you could update your code to use the simplified continuation documented at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query#Continuing_queries (example <https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=allpages&continue=>), which is much easier for clients to implement correctly.
Either of the above solutions may be tested immediately, you'll know it works because you stop seeing the warning.
Do you need help with your own bot or script? Ask questions in e-mail on the mediawiki-api or wikitech-l mailing lists. Volunteers at m:Tech or w:en:WP:Village pump (technical) or w:en:Wikipedia:Bot owners' noticeboard may also be able to help you.
Are you using someone else's gadgets or user scripts? Most scripts are not affected. To find out if a script you use needs to be updated, then post a note at the discussion page for the gadget or the talk page of the user who originally made the script. Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 17. 6. 2015, 21:03 (CEST)