T Cells
Připojil(a) se dne 5. 8. 2014
Poslední komentář: před 4 lety od uživatele OJJ
You have the reply on the page. For information. It's the weekend and it's lunch time. Just wait, not copy the same message five times. OJJ, Diskuse 6. 6. 2020, 12:42 (CEST)
- That was a mistake. It wasn't intentional. Thanks for your help and the heads up. T Cells (diskuse) 6. 6. 2020, 13:59 (CEST)
- @T Cells: Nothing happened. :) Have a nice day. OJJ, Diskuse 6. 6. 2020, 14:10 (CEST)
- If you're not a spam-bot, everything is ok. :) OJJ, Diskuse 6. 6. 2020, 14:12 (CEST)