Hello, I don't like most of Your dry specimen photos in botanical articles on the czech wiki. What is the real reason to give them there, moreover without appropriate description? Vojtěch Zavadil (diskuse) 11. 10. 2013, 18:21 (UTC)

Grains and fruits are determined by the binomial name. Our work as an illustrator, that we are active in more than 300 project Wiki. We can not know all languages. We are listening to your suggestions.--Ercé (diskuse) 17. 11. 2013, 17:36 (UTC)

Positioning the bird egg images


Hello Ercé, I understand your goals, but still practically every one of your edits has to be checked and corrected. There are 2 basic reasons for this:
1) In the code, you add the pictures right after the Infobox. Usually, the creator of the article positions his/her pictures so that they correspond to the text written, sometimes intentionally placing a picture to the left, too. If the article is very short, your picture of the egg precedes all the other images in the code, placing itself below the infobox on the right edge of the screen, forcing any other images below that line. The result is disturbing. Do you ever check the Preview of your edits? You'd notice it. (If you check the next change I did to Gygis alba, you'll see what needs to be done in order to preserve the order of the pictures. The picture of an egg should be positioned somewhere towards a Reproduction („Rozmnožování“) or Nesting („Hnízdění“) sections, if these are present. If there is no such section present, the picture should still be placed below any other present images in order not to change their placing.
2) A label of an egg image should be in Czech. Labelling it in Latin is understandable, but not really correct. Unfortunately for you, it should be gramatically correct, too, which is probably not easy, but if you want to add something somewhere, you should actually follow the rules of that language... So instead of „Gygis alba“, there should be „Vejce nodyho bělostného“ (egg of White tern). Instead of „Sternula nereis“, there should be „Vejce rybáka australského“ (egg of Fairy tern) and so on. --GeXeS (diskuse) 7. 10. 2020, 08:06 (CEST)Odpovědět

Thank you for these remarks. I enrich the descriptions with images from this exceptional collection and I regret not always fully understanding how to arrange them well without disturbing them. I try each time to adapt to the existing structure but it is difficult without knowing the language of each of the 300 projects, which is why I prefer to leave the binomial scientific name which best identifies each species and It does not no one doubts that the image represents one or more eggs! Placing images in text is not always the right solution for readability and in general I place the image after the existing ones. Wikipedia is a multi-party project and I am aware and sorry that I did not do the job completely ... I hope I can still contribute. Cordially. RC. --Ercé (diskuse) 7. 10. 2020, 08:41 (CEST)Odpovědět
I understand your intentions and also the fact that you can't properly label the pictures in Czech. At least try to position them better next time. Other than that, thank you for adding the images, they're indeed valuable. Have a nice day! --GeXeS (diskuse) 7. 10. 2020, 09:52 (CEST)Odpovědět
Okay, this is going nowhere. Have you checked how, for example, the page of Chaluha pomořanská looks after this edit of yours? You're still not - contrary to what you've stated above - placing the images after the existing ones. Here's a tip, then: Add the egg image file right above the line of "Reference". That way, other images probably won't be affected. Placing it right after the Infobox is not a good way; it's merely the easiest way. Thanks for understanding. --GeXeS (diskuse) 18. 11. 2020, 09:49 (CET)Odpovědět
Sorry ! You are right, I just made a mistake. Your suggestion is effective ... but unfortunately this position is not always the best! --Ercé (diskuse) 18. 11. 2020, 09:57 (CET)Odpovědět
Thanks for the fix! --GeXeS (diskuse) 18. 11. 2020, 10:01 (CET)Odpovědět

Dotazník pro editory ke tvorbě strategického plánu


Dobrý den,

jako aktivního editora Vás prosíme o pomoc při tvorbě strategického plánu spolku Wikimedia Česká republika do roku 2027. Pomozte nám rozhodnout, jakým směrem se mají programy pro editory v následujících třech letech ubírat. O vyplnění krátkého dotazníku Vás prosíme do 1. května 2024, obsahuje 7 otázek a zabere to asi 5 minut.

Vyplňte dotazník pro editory

V rámci probíhajících příprav strategického plánu spolku WMČR na léta 25–27 běží paralelně řada procesů. Různými formami postupně oslovujeme definované cílové skupiny. V rámci možností se snažíme o maximální stručnost a efektivitu, ptáme se vždy na to, co je pro danou skupinu primárně relevantní.

Více informací k procesu a průběhu přípravy SP najdete na pro tyto účely zřízené veřejné stránce. Na editorský dotazník navazuje termínově setkání se správci a patrolou – v gesci Pavla Bednaříka. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se mi můžete ozvat na diskusní stránce, nebo mailem na jan.beranek wikimedia.cz.

Děkujeme za zapojení,

--janbery (diskuse) 20. 4. 2024, 23:49 (CEST)Odpovědět