

Hello, please be careful when trying to transliterate texts with georgian script. In czech, you are usually unable to transliterate georgian language (and not only georgian, but also russian and many other languages spoken in former Soviet Union) the same way as in english, because czech has different pronunciation and usage of some latin letters than need to use "kh", "ts" and so on. There is a table with czech transliteration of georgian letters in the bottom of the article as a guidiance. Learning basics of czech might help you a bit. Thank you.--Fraxinus (diskuse) 29. 3. 2015, 16:22 (CEST)Odpovědět

Wikipedista:Fraxinus.cs Thank you. I will do so. Jaqeli (diskuse) 29. 3. 2015, 17:01 (CEST)Odpovědět