Připojil(a) se dne 10. 12. 2024
Poslední komentář: před 2 měsíci od uživatele Agathafursac v tématu „Hôtel de la Motte-Montgaubert“
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Hôtel de la Motte-Montgaubert
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--Zdenekk2 (diskuse) 11. 12. 2024, 09:54 (CET)
- Hello, I'm French and I am part of the family that own this place, the name doesn't exist it is not de la Motte-Montgaubert but de la Motte Montgoubert, since you don't know the history of this place please dont erase my modifications. Also the picture you put back has been taken in a private place and without autorisation, that s why I put à picture from outside. Agathafursac (diskuse) 11. 12. 2024, 16:47 (CET)
- Proč odpovídáte anglicky, když česky zjevně umíte? Věrohodné zdroje k vašemu názvu hotelu by byly? --Zdenekk2 (diskuse) 11. 12. 2024, 18:07 (CET)
- Použil jsem ChatGPT na překlad, proto.. The first mistake was made by the french ministry on :
-, where before I wrote them, it was named "de la Motte-Montgaubert" which doesn't exist.
- I wrote them and they corrected it, yet they still lefted a "-" that do not exist on the original name, that is "de la Motte Montgoubert". Starting from them lot of people wrote it badly thinking it was a good source.
- For the family itself, you have here a french announce in a journal : that state the death of the comte Yves de LA MOTTE MONTGOUBERT. At the end you can see "12 rue chanoinesse" that is the address of the Hotel de LA MOTTE MONTGOUBERT.
- I'm not used to computers maybe I did not do the things correctly and I apologize if that as the case, but I tried to explain it in my modifications. --Agathafursac (diskuse) 11. 12. 2024, 18:23 (CET)
- Proč odpovídáte anglicky, když česky zjevně umíte? Věrohodné zdroje k vašemu názvu hotelu by byly? --Zdenekk2 (diskuse) 11. 12. 2024, 18:07 (CET)