Wikipedistka:MPrei/Pískoviště 2
Dead Vlei je bílá solná vyschlá pánev v blízkosti slavné jílovité prolákliny Sossuvlei orámované nejvyššími hvězdicovitými dunami uprostřed rezervace Namib Naukluft Park v Namibii. (Sossus znamená v afrikanštině "slepá řeka" - konkrétně jde o řeku Tsauchuab, která se ztrácí mezi těmito hvězdicovitými dunami, vlei - v afrikánštině bažina).
Dead Vlei se podobá surealistickému obrazu a patří právem k nejfotoginečtějším místům Namibie. Bílá vyschlá rozpraskaná solná pánev kontrastuje s červenými písečnými dunami a černými pahýly 900 let starých akácií.
Dead Vlei has been claimed to be surrounded by the highest sand dunes in the world, the highest reaching 300-400 meters (350m on average, named "Big Daddy" or "Crazy Dune"), which rest on a sandstone terrace.
The clay pan was formed after rainfall, when the Tsauchab river flooded, creating temporary shallow pools where the abundance of water allowed camel thorn trees to grow. When the climate changed, drought hit the area, and sand dunes encroached on the pan, which blocked the river from the area.
The trees died, as there no longer was enough water to survive. There are some species of plants remaining, such as salsola and clumps of !nara, adapted to surviving off the morning mist and very rare rainfall. The remaining skeletons of the trees, which are believed to be about 900 years old, are now black because the intense sun has scorched them.[1] Though not petrified, the wood does not decompose because it is so dry.[2]
In 2000 the psycho thriller The Cell (starring Jennifer Lopez) was partly shot in that location. The Bollywood Blockbuster film Ghajini was shot here in 2008.
editovat- ↑ LANCASTER, Nicholas. How dry was dry?—Late Pleistocene palaeoclimates in the Namib Desert. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2002, s. 769–82. DOI 10.1016/S0277-3791(01)00126-3.
- ↑ Bridgeford, P & M. Touring Sesriem and Sossusvlei. Walvis Bay, Namibia: P & M Bridgeford, 2006. ISBN 99916-30-77-5.
editovatFurther reading
editovat- LANCASTER, Nicholas. How dry was dry?—Late Pleistocene palaeoclimates in the Namib Desert. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2002, s. 769–82. DOI 10.1016/S0277-3791(01)00126-3.
- P & M Bridgeford, Touring Sossusvlei and Sesriem. ISBN 99916-30-77-5
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