
Jean-Paul Belmondo, populární francouzský herec

Založení koncepční stránky- tady si budu čmárat co budu chtít


Profil Zemana -

Opilý Zeman

Zeman prohlašoval, že denně vypije šest sklenic vína a tři panáky tvrdého alkoholu. Podle bývalého ministra zdravotnictví a vedoucího Zemanova lékařského koncilia Martina Holcáta toto množství není extrémní, nicméně doporučil Zemanovi i kvůli zjištěné cukrovce omezení pití alkoholu. Zeman rovněž trpí cukrovkou a onemocněním nervů na nohách.Značnou pozornost veřejnosti vzbudil Zeman během otevírání komory s korunovačními klenoty, kde byl jedním z klíčníků. Zeman se pohyboval nekoodinovaně, přidržoval se stěn a působil dojmem opilého člověka. Podezření na opilost později potvrdila účastnice ceremoniálu Miroslava Němcová, která stála během události přímo vedle Zemana. Podle Němcové byl Zeman viditelně opilý a bylo to také cítit z jeho dechu.Ve stejný den před touto událostí se prezident Zeman účastnil recepce na Ruském velvyslanectví, kde byl novináři zachycen při popíjení alkoholu. Zemanovu opilost popřel také jeho předchůdce přítel Klaus, který byl na Ruském velvyslanectví také. Prý byl v Zemanově přítomnosti celou dobu a Zeman "prý vypil" tak sklenku vína. Samotný Zeman vysvětloval své vrávorání virózou.

Wikipedie:Ohlasy v médiích

24. listopadu – Ivan Lukáš: Senioři spoluautory internetové encyklopedie, Události ČT


New Kia Rio, Hatchback

Kia Rio Hatchback je malý vůz z produkce Severokorejské firmy KIA MOTORS

Kia Rio


Kia Rio přišlo na náš trh koncem roku 2011

  • Jde o malý vůz dostupný se třemi motory - o obsahu 1225 ccm 1400 ccm
  • rychlostní skříň je dostupná s 5 a 6 převodovými stupněmi
  • výkon motoru 64kw a 80k


Farewell Putin


==== All of the above will, sooner rather than later, lead to Putin’s political demise. This will happen either through a coup de grace from within the existing power system that will replace him or via a “Color Revolution” (like the Orange one that took place in Ukraine), something an anxious Putin alluded to in a speech in late November. Putin is also convinced—and he may be right—that the US has taken a strategic policy decision to replace him. Just recently foreign minister Lavrov blamed the West for a regime change policy. ====

==== The perplexing and worrying question, though, is whether the Putin regime can walk quietly and with resignation into the sunset. Putin has no prospect of political asylum or financial haven and consequently may choose a war or a significant escalation of the conflict. The inner sanctum at the Kremlin is a group of people who think in terms of power and deterrence, not negotiated accommodation. This is essentially what German Chancellor Angela Merkel meant when she said that Putin is detached from reality and living in a world of his own creation. Putin recently accused the US of provoking conflict and instigating a coup d’etat that replaced the regime in Ukraine. In the fall, Putin had the audacity to justify the Nazi-Soviet pact—the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement (the invasion of Poland and division of its territory between Germany and the USSR)—and is actively assisting and funding far-right and neo-Nazi groups in Europe. ====

==== This is becoming evident as Russia is increasingly flexing muscles and attempting to project power regionally and globally. The Russian defense budget is already 4.2% of the country’s GDP, more than the US or China and double the average of European countries, and it is becoming a priority over development and social budgets. Russia repeatedly violates NATO air space and threatens to dispatch bombers to the Gulf of Mexico along US borders. It sends a north fleet flotilla to the English Channel and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has declared that Russia needs to upgrade both its conventional forces and nuclear stockpiles. Putin himself has told Ukraine’s President that Russian forces can be not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius Bucharest or Warsaw within two days. To top it all, Putin ceremoniously arrived to the G20 summit in Australia accompanied by no less than four warships. ====

==== As Russia made public accusations that NATO is destabilizing northern Europe by holding military exercises there and “transferring aircraft capable of carrying nuclear arms” to the Baltic States, it seems more and more evident that Russia has commenced a war dance. ====

==== A possible first step would be to concentrate forces somewhere along the borders of the Baltic States (NATO members) or even occupy the Estonian city of Narva, which has Crimea-like characteristics in terms of Russian population and affinity. This would pose a major challenge to NATO, which would have to invoke Article 5 regarding collective defense and may manifest to the rest of ex-Soviet states that NATO can’t protect them. ====

==== Another possibility is to expose US weakness or indecisiveness by meddling and fanning flames in the Middle East, whether in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or in the Gulf by supporting Iran, a sister “victim” of Western sanctions. ====

==== An urban legend describes the Spanish top military brass convening near Dictator Franco’s deathbed saluting him and mumbling, “Adieu Generalissimo.” An ailing Franco opened his eyes for a split second and asked, “Why are you saying goodbye, Where are you all going?” Putin has no intentions of leaving and he certainly will not go peacefully. Unfortunately for the entire free world, when someone like that has over 1,500 active nuclear warheads the result may be disastrous. Correcti0n: An earlier version of this post incorrectly referred to the Estonian city of Varna. The name of the Estonian city is ====

Narva. Varna is a city in Bulgaria.
