
Překlad softwaru VicuñaUploader 1.14 do češtiny. Překládá se vše co je napravo od rovnítek. Převzato z Githubu, ve kterém neumíme pracovat. Autor commons:user:Yarl. Původní anglická verze.

hello = Thanks for download Vicu\u00f1aUploader. Remember to choose license and author in settings panel (Ctrl+T).
hello-newsession = Error while loading settings: settings file is incompatible with this version of Vicu\u00f1aUploader :(.
hello-loadsession = Settings succesfuly imported from older version.
hello-loadsession-failed = Error while loading old settings.

button-apply = Apply
button-cancel = Cancel
button-save = Uložit
button-hide = Skrýt
button-stop = Zastavit
button-close = Zavřít
button-save&close = Uložit relaci a zavřít
button-clear = Vyčistit
button-autoupdate = Automatický update
button-download = Stáhnout
button-load = Načíst
button-add = Přidat
button-delete = Smazat
button-restart = Restartovat nyní

error = chyba

### MENU
server-status = Status serveru
server-ok = OK
server-lag = lag
server-offline = Offline

file = Soubor
edit = Editovat
view = View
tools = Nástroje
help = Nápověda

folder-read = Načíst soubory
session-open = Otevřít relaci
session-save = Uložit relaci
session-clear = Vyčistit relaci
login = Log in
logoff = Log off
upload = Nahrát soubory
files-to-upload = Soubory k nahrání...
files-select-all = Označit vše
files-inv = Invert selection
end = Konec
restart = Restart

undo = Zpět
redo = Dopředu

files-select-to-upload = Přidej označené soubory do uploadu
files-edit = Edit selected files description

view-all = Vše
view-toupload = Selected to upload
view-notupload = Not selected to upload

settings-lang = Jazyk
settings-lang-info = Jazyk bude změněn po restartu
settings-file = File settings
settings-prog = App and gallery settings

help-help = Online help
help-about = About

### MAIN
files = Files
start-info = For start, read files/directories (Ctrl+Space or drag them here)

#right panel
status = Status
status-unlogged = Logged off
status-hello = Hello
manual = Desc
manual-1 = Load files
manual-2 = <html>Fill fileds singly or select files and edit them in a group (Ctrl+E)</html>
manual-3 = <html>Select which files you want to upload, Ctrl+Shift+A selects all</html>
manual-4 = Log in (Ctrl+~)
manual-5 = Upload (Ctrl+U)
toupload = Upload summary

#sesion handling
session = Session
session-clear = Clear session
session-clear-q = Clear session?
session-save = Save session
session-save-exist = File exists. Overwrite?
session-save-success = Session file saved
session-load = Load session
session-load-error = There is no such session file
session-file = Session file
session-error = Error while loading session file. Details:

loading = Loading
loading-nofiles = No matching files

loading-filter-img = Image files
loading-filter-scan = Scan files
loading-filter-media = Multimedia
loading-filter-all = All allowed

uploading = Uploading
upload-selectfiles = Select files to upload

files-load = Load files

file-copyabove = Copy description and categories from above
file-copybelow = Copy description and categories from below
file-opendir = Open directory with file
file-openfile = Open file
file-select = Select/deselect file to upload
file-coord = Coordinates tools

#main labels (also used in group edit panel)
file-name = Name
file-desc = Desc
file-date = Date
file-cats = Categories
file-coor = Coordinates

file-image = Image
file-audio = Audio file
file-doc = Document file

#upload info
file-upload-success = Upload successful
file-upload-error = Upload unsuccessful

#context menu
file-context-selectupload = Select to upload
file-context-deselectupload = Deselect to upload
file-context-edit = Edit description

#context menu 2
file-tools-refreshthumb = Refresh thumbnail
file-tools-refreshexif = Reload EXIF
file-tools-showexif = Show EXIF
file-tools-noexif = No EXIF

#context menu 3
file-wiki-de = Add German description
file-wiki-en = Add English description
file-wiki-fr = Add French description
file-wiki-es = Add Spanish description
file-wiki-pl = Add Polish description
file-wiki-ru = Add Russian description
file-wiki-text = Write here

coord-info = Insert coordinates in a field below or select on a map
coord-info-map = Right-click+drag to move, left click to get coordinates, wheel to zoom
coord-unknown = Unknown coordinates format

file-delete = Delete files
file-delete-confirm = Delete selected files from program?

file-coor-show = Show coordinates on map

fileedit = Editing selected files description

editing = Editing
edit-select = Select edited files to upload
edit-selectfiles = Select files to edit

fileedit-info = Empty fields not affecting
fileedit-insert = Insert

fileedit-num = Numerate
fileedit-num-format = Format
fileedit-num-start = Start number
fileedit-num-digits = Digits
fileedit-num-format-tooltip = Variables:<br>%NAME% - file name<br>%N% - number

fileedit-prepend = Prepend
fileedit-append = Append
fileedit-overwrite = Overwrite

fileedit-coor-info = Insert coordinates. Examples:<br>• 52.2299;21.0628<br>• permalink from OpenStreetMap or Wikimapia<br>• {{Coord|52|14|5.15|N|21|7|51.91|E|region:PL}}

fileedit-cat-load = Loading...
fileedit-cat-open = Open in browser
fileedit-cat-zero = No categories

fileedit-cat-subcats = Subcategories
fileedit-cat-supcats = In categories

settings = Settings

settings-general = General
settings-files = File
settings-gallery = Gallery
settings-program = Program

settings-author = Author
settings-own = Own work
settings-source = Source
settings-license = License
settings-attribution = Attribution
settings-extratext = Text under license

settings-templates = Quick templates
settings-templates-hint = You can use them in file description window (right-click)
settings-templates-active = Active
settings-templates-name = Name
settings-templates-template = Template

settings-gallery-create = Create image gallery in wiki after upload
settings-gallery-subpage = Subpage
settings-gallery-header = Header
settings-gallery-uploaddate = Upload date
settings-gallery-ask = Ask before upload
settings-gallery-width = Image width

settings-gallery-position = New section position
settings-gallery-prepend = Top
settings-gallery-append = Bottom

settings-program-exifhour = Read hour from EXIF
settings-program-readsubdir = Load files form subdirectories

settings-other = Other
settings-program-changename = Change name after upload
settings-program-askquit = Confirm leaving program

settings-advanced = Advanced
settings-program-descfile = File description source
settings-program-descfile-program = Default
settings-program-descfile-ext = From external file
settings-program-descfile-file = Description file
settings-program-descfile-noselected = No file selected

license-gfdl-cc-by-sa-all = GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA (all versions)
license-gfdl-cc-by-sa-3 = GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0
license-gfdl-cc-by-3 = GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0
license-other = Other

login-server = Server
login-name = Username
login-password = Password
login-login = Log in

login-loggingin = Logging in
login-error-server = Server error
login-error-login = Wrong username and/or password
login-error-nodata = Fill username and password

uploadcheck-button-fix = Fix
uploadcheck-button-upload = Upload

uploadcheck-check-names = Checking local names
uploadcheck-check-server = Checking names on server

uploadcheck-ok = Everything is OK
uploadcheck-errors = Errors found
uploadcheck-error = Error

uploadcheck-error-dscf = File shouldn't have name from camera (IMG... or DSCF...)
uploadcheck-error-numbers = File name shouldn't contain only numbers
uploadcheck-error-dupe = File must have unique name
uploadcheck-error-exists = File name is occupied on server

upload-uploading = Uploading
upload-file-uploaded = Uploaded files

upload-error-account = You cannot upload files using that account
upload-error-file = error
upload-error-file-protected = page is protected

upload-gallery-name = Type gallery name
upload-gallery-creating = Creating gallery
upload-gallery-created = Gallery created
upload-gallery-creatingerror = Error during creating gallery

about-site = Program site

about-checkupdate = Check for update
about-checkupdate-text = New version is available
about-checkupdate-ok = Program is up to date

about-used = Components used
quit-confirm = Do you really want to close?

help-filename = Upload file name, eg.<br>"London - Battersea Park".
help-date = ISO-formatted date.
help-desc = File description, use wikitext.
help-categories = File categories, semicolon separated.
help-select = Select file to upload.

download-init = Initializing...
download-connect = Connecting to server...
download-download = Downloading...
download-restart = Restarting...