
Galactic Games


Galactic Games is a Czech game studio focused mainly on the development of video games such as Image or Revenguard. Galactic Games is constantly announcing news regarding not only game updates but also the current state of the Galactic Games team, the status of new video game development or projects. They announce and document all of this on their social media sites like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and its Official Dicord Server. Galactic Games also has a very positive attitude towards building alliances, so they are very happy to create collaborations. They are very happy to help you in any way and solve any problem. Galactic Games support itself is very nice and very helpful.

The game studio was created by Czech developer Daniel Seman, who is behind the creation of games like Mainly at Rest and Disharmonia. Galactic Games acquired its name in 10 December 2022, due to the addition of several members. Three months after that, Galactic Games created its first video game called Image, and it was a very offbeat horror game.   Image was released on January 20, 2023 on Steam. Half a year after that, on Aug. 24, the pixelated story game Revenguard was released and more is yet to come. Galactic Games has already announced that they are creating a new horror game, but according to Galactic Games it should be a very special multiplayer horror game.


  • Revenguard was released on Steam on August 25, 2023 and was later published on several other game and seftware stores such as as well as all other galactic games.
  • Brief description of the game Revenguard: Revenguard is a pixel jumping game with a questma and a rich story that will unfold in the next episodes. The game is all hand painted and a lot of people have already pointed out that the graphics of Revenguard are really nice. Our whole team really tried hard and we think we did a great job. But that's what you're here for.
  • Image was released on Steam on January 20, 2023.
  • Brief description of the game Image: Image is a very action-packed horror game in which something is always happening. The game is both a very realistic and very scary horror game. Where hopefully every player is scared. The game is very short with an average play time of 1 hour, but it manages to offer a really scary experience.


  • Disharmonia was released on Steam on May 3, 2022.
  • Brief description of the game Disharmonia: Disharmonia is a game based on the multiverse theory, where nothing is a dream but everything is reality, everything is really possible in the game. The game changes throughout the gameplay in terms of setting and story, as well as the narrator who guides you through the endless world of the multiverse as you play.

Mainly at Rest

  • Mainly at Rest was released on Steam on August 26, 2021.
  • Brief description of the game Mainly at Rest: Mainly at Rest is a very challenging jumping game that can compete in difficulty with games like Jump King, ALT+F4 or Only Up.



In 2020, Daniel Seman will start creating video games at the age of 15. A year and a half later, on August 26, 2021, Daniel Seman released his first game Mainly at Rest on Steam. It was a very challenging 3D bouncy game, but it received a very positive response in South Korea. Daniel Seman six months later and it's 3. May 2022, he released his drug game Dasharmonia, but it was not nearly as successful as his first game Mainly at Rest. Daniel Seman therefore formed a development and publishing team on December 10, 2022, focused on the development of computer games, which was called Galactic Games. On January 20, 2023, Galactic Games unveiled and published its first project, which was called Image. However, the horror game Image generated a lot of interest and that's why the Galactic Games team grew even more. Galactic Games started to create more content on their social networks than before and reached social networks like TikTok, Twitter but also YouTube. Then six months later on August 25, 2023, Galactic Games unveiled its first pixel title called Revenguard. However, Galactic Games recently announced that it is working on a new horror game, which would be the first Galactic Games game to have multiplayer.



Galactic Games not only sells games in several stores but also provides support services via Email or Discord. They also have a very positive attitude towards building relationships, so they are very happy to create collaborations. Galactic Games can be contacted as follows here:

  • Discord: Sosik99
  • Support Email:
  • Business Email: