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English: Light collected by three VLT Auxiliary Telescopes, and combined using the technique of interferometry, provides astronomers with vision as sharp as that from a giant telescope with a diameter equal to the largest separation between the telescopes used. To obtain the image of T Leporis using data from the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, astronomers used the four 1.8-metre Auxiliary Telescopes in different configurations to mimic a telescope almost 100 metres in diameter, as represented schematically on this artist’s impression of the Paranal platform.
Autor ESO


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současná12. 10. 2010, 10:13Náhled verze z 12. 10. 2010, 10:133 000 × 1 687 (1,29 MB)Lars Lindberg Christensen{{Information |Description={{en|1=Light collected by three VLT Auxiliary Telescopes, and combined using the technique of interferometry, provides astronomers with vision as sharp as that from a giant telescope with a diameter equal to the largest separati

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