Soubor:Skyline of Doha West Bay.jpg

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English: West Bay includes many modern buildings unlike other, older districts of Doha. Some of the tallest skyscrapers in Qatar are found in this area.
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Ceslou


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Qatar Warning sign

Copyright warning: A subject in this image is protected by copyright.

This image features an architectural or artistic work, photographed from a public space in Qatar. There is no freedom of panorama exception in Qatar, which means that photographs or videos of protected works (including architectural and artistic works) cannot be used freely without permission from the authors of the works, except for personal use and non-profit illustration for teaching (through publications, broadcasts, or films).

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současná4. 11. 2019, 18:20Náhled verze z 4. 11. 2019, 18:202 048 × 1 365 (1,05 MB)CeslouCross-wiki upload from

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