English: The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) or the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS).
Start reading this schematic from the left, where it says "Decrease in renal perfusion (juxtaglomerular apparatus)". Alternatively, the RAAS can also be activated by a low NaCl concentration in the macula densa or by sympathetic activation.
Legend info: Blue and red dashed arrows indicate stimulatory or inhibitory signals, which is also indicated by the +/-. In the tubule and collecting duct graphics, the grey dashed arrows indicate passive transport processes, contrary to the active transport processes which are indicated by the solid grey arrows. The other solid arrows either indicate a secretion from an organ (blue, with a starting Spot) or a reaction (black). These 2 processes can be stimulated or inhibited by other factors.
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upravovat – pozměňovat, doplňovat, využívat celé nebo částečně v jiných dílech
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Původní historie souboru
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2006-04-02T15:30:52Z A. Rad 1050x585 (127118 Bytes) Author: A. Rad Date: April 2nd, 2006 Added labels for Lungs, kidney, arteriole and adrenal gland's cortex.
2006-02-28T14:40:20Z A. Rad 1050x585 (124630 Bytes) By A. Rad, fixed the Renin secretion site (was incorrectly set to adrenal gland) Date: 28 February, 2006 Made with XaraX1
2006-02-04T16:18:30Z A. Rad 1050x585 (124631 Bytes) Author: A. Rad Added legend and active/passive transports now have their own color (grey)
2006-02-02T14:53:08Z A. Rad 1020x585 (115332 Bytes) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Author: A. Rad Date: February 2nd, 2006 License: GFDL-self Created using XaraX¹
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