Soubor:PDB 1slq EBI.jpg

PDB_1slq_EBI.jpg (800 × 600 pixelů, velikost souboru: 65 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)

SCOP Lineage

Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP)

Class: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides

Fold: VP4 membrane interaction domain
Superfamily: VP4 membrane interaction domain
Family: VP4 membrane interaction domain
Protein Domain: VP4 membrane interaction domain
Popis Cartoon representation of the molecular structure of protein registered with 1slq code.
Zdroj, displayed on
Autor Jawahar Swaminathan and MSD staff at the European Bioinformatics Institute
(Užití tohoto souboru)

Public domain
This image has been released into the public domain by its creator and original copyright holder. This applies worldwide. As such you are entirely free to reproduce it, create derivative works, or make commercial use of it as you see fit, without any requirement to give the creator credit. However, as a courtesy, a link back to would be appreciated.

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Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná3. 2. 2009, 04:51Náhled verze z 3. 2. 2009, 04:51800 × 600 (65 KB) {{SCOP navigation|Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides|VP4 membrane interaction domain|VP4 membrane interaction domain|VP4 membrane interaction domain|VP4 membrane interaction domain}}{{EBI License|pdb=1slq|date=November 16, 2008}} [[Ca

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