Soubor:Old Slains Castle - - 725711.jpg (640 × 480 pixelů, velikost souboru: 439 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: Old Slains Castle About halfway between Aberdeen and Peterhead, stand the clifftop ruins of Old Slains castle, an ancient seat of the Hay family, Earls of Erroll. The lands of Slains were gifted to Sir Gilbert Hay by King Robert the Bruce of Scots (1306 - 1329) for his loyal service during the 'wars of Independence' against the English. In 1594 both Old Slains and another seat of the Hay family, Delgatie castle, were destroyed by King James VI of Scotland (1567 - 1603) in retribution for the Hays involvement in the Roman Catholic/Spanish plot.

The modern A frame house was built by the Countess of Errol.

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Zdroj From
Autor Martyn Gorman
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(vyžadováno licencí)
Martyn Gorman / Old Slains Castle / 
Martyn Gorman / Old Slains Castle
Pozice fotografa57° 21′ 41″ s. š., 1° 54′ 59″ z. d.  Heading=90° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo
Pozice objektu57° 21′ 40″ s. š., 1° 54′ 49″ z. d.  Heading=90° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Uveďte autora: Martyn Gorman
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Old Slains Castle

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Slains angličtina

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titul: Old Slains Castle (angličtina)
autor (textově): Martyn Gorman

57°21'40.72"N, 1°54'59.40"W

směr pohledu: 90 stupeň

57°21'39.71"N, 1°54'48.96"W

směr pohledu: 90 stupeň

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současná19. 2. 2011, 06:18Náhled verze z 19. 2. 2011, 06:18640 × 480 (439 KB)GeographBot== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Old Slains Castle About halfway between Aberdeen and Peterhead, stand the clifftop ruins of Old Slains castle, an ancient seat of the Hay family, Earls of Erroll. The lands of Slains were gifted to

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