Soubor:Melanophyllum eyrei (Massee) Singer 778617.jpg

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Melanophyllum eyrei (Massee) Singer

Image location: Haagse Bos, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

This internationally rather rare species is very rare in the Netherlands, with only a handful of sightings in the most southern part of our country, Zuid-Limburg, where it grows on calcareous (marl) soils in decidious slope woodlands. This is the second record outside of that area in the Netherlands. Listed as Vulnerable on our national Red List (Arnolds & Veerkamp, 2008).

Distribution in the Netherlands:

Description MHCB-17081801

Pileus: 19 × 18 mm; convex with low umbo; appendiculate; pulverulent, smooth underneath; beige centre, paler, more eggshell towards the margin; with green hues peering through the outer half on older specimens.

Lamellae: l:5, close, free; margins smooth; blueish-green.

Stipe: 45 × 2 mm; terete, central, flexuous; pulverulent, lesser at apex, striate at apex; slightly tomentose base, white basal mycelium; concolourous with pileus.

Context: Firm, thin in pileus, hollow with loose hyphae in stipe; white in pileus and apex, blue-green in cortex of apex, pale brown gradually becoming more red-brown and darker towards base.

Smell/Taste: Weak gasseous smell, neutral taste.

Microscopy: none done

Ecology: Old dune woodland, Fagus sylvatica dominated, with Acer and Quercus, calcareous sandy or loamy soils, thick leaflitter and humus layers, particularly around wood debris; shares direct habitat with: Suillellus luridus (Observation 250762, MHCB-16090201), Leucoagaricus sublittoralis (Observation 288533, MHCB-17081802), Limacella cf. vinosorubescens, Mycena filopes, Inocybe sp., Russula solaris, Russula fellea, Lactarius blennius, Gymnopus confluens, and some more.

Recognized by sight: Green lamellae says it all

Used references: – Phillips, R. (1993). Paddestoelen van West-Europa - Verspreidingsatlas

For more information about this, see the observation page at Mushroom Observer.

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This image is Image Number 778617 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.

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This image was created by user MichelBeeckman (MichelBeeckman) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.
You can contact this user here.

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Pozice fotografa52° 05′ 40,2″ s. š., 4° 20′ 30,12″ v. d. Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo


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This image is Image Number 778617 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.

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současná21. 4. 2018, 09:27Náhled verze z 21. 4. 2018, 09:274 680 × 2 632 (2,4 MB)Leoboudv=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description='''''Melanophyllum eyrei''''' (Massee) Singer Image location: Haagse Bos, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands This internationally rather rare species is very rare in the Netherlands, with only a handful of sightings in the most southern part of our country, Zuid-Limburg, where it grows on calcareous (marl) soils in decidious slope woodlands. This is the second record outside of that area in the Netherlands. Listed as Vulnerable on our nationa...

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