16th-century portrait painting of women, with Not identified, Unspecified, Unmentioned, Unattributed, NeznámýUnknown or anonym artist
label QS:Len,"Not identified, Unspecified, Unmentioned, Unattributed, NeznámýUnknown or anonym artist"
label QS:Lpt,"Não identificado, Não especificado, Não mencionado, Não atribuído, NeznámýUnknown ou artista anonym"
and missing location and year.
English: Lady Jane Grey – The Duckett Portrait. Possibly the source of the woodcut of Jane Grey from 1580. This portrait was owned by Sir Lionel Duckett in 1580. He was married to the first cousin of the wife of the first cousin of Lady Jane Grey. The portrait was examined by Dr. Libby Sheldon of University College, London, (the same person who examined the Streatham Portrait) and the panel was found to date from 1542.
When the standard minimum of 8 years is added to account for lost sapwood, plus the minimum 2 years for processing and storage, the earliest point at which the portrait may have been produced is 1552. The lady’s outfit is perfect example of English lady’s fashion of 1552–1553.
She also found the blue pigment azurite, which a NG Technical Bulletin says was “a standard pigment of German artists in particular”. The Weiss Gallery notes about azurite: "Often found in Holbein’s portraits and those of his contemporaries, its cost meant that it was only used for significant commissions whereas in copies or lesser works, it invariably was replaced with cheaper, less stable alternatives."
The lady in the portrait is wearing the same brooch as a lady in another portrait called Lady Jane Grey, at Grimsthorpe Castle, who is also dressed in English fashion of 1552–1553.
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Lady Jane Grey – The Duckett Portrait. Possibly the source of the woodcut of Jane Grey from 1580
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