PopisKhvamli-Khomli Mountain cliff-massive from Mozameta monastery Kutaisi (14360612197).jpg
The Khomli/Khvamli Mountain has been the object of interest since the oldest times. It is mentioned in the stories of the Argonauts, Hercules and Prometheus.
Even the famous French fiction-writer Jules Verne describes the Khomli mountain in his adventure story
"The Unbending Keraban"
Jules Verne
Extract from the Novel:
"In those mountains, cutting into horizon nearby the contemporary town of Kutaisi, there lays the Khomli Mountain, where Prometheus, the son of Iaphetus and Klimene, was chained by the order of Zeus for stealing the sacred fire. Every day a raven arrives, perches on his liver and nips it off piece by piece."
...the Khomli Mountain is also described by Apollonius of Rhodos in his "Argonautics" as the place visited by the Argonauts..(.
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