Soubor:Ichthyotitan (surangular comparisons).png

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English: Comparison of the holotype (BRSMG Cg3178, A and C right surangular, BAS specimen) and referred specimen (BRSMG Cg2488, B and D left surangular, Lilstock specimen) of Ichthyotitan severnensis gen. et sp. nov. To ease comparison, A and C have been reversed. A-B. Lateral view of both surangulars showing same unique shape; note the upturned, almost 90-degree angle bend and the spatulate-shaped posterior end. C-D. Medial view of both surangulars displaying same morphology posteriorly; anteriorly the Lilstock specimen (D) has been heavily eroded and distorted along its length. Note the position of an elongated foramen on the lateral surface (A-B), identified as part of the fossa surangularis that passes through the bone into the Meckelian canal. See also the damaged (?)angular that is articulated with the surangular and defined by a continuous groove (?suture) as seen in Fig 2H.
Zdroj "The last giants: New evidence for giant Late Triassic (Rhaetian) ichthyosaurs from the UK"
Autor D. R. Lomax, P. de la Salle, M. Perillo, J. Reynolds, R. Reynolds, J. F. Waldron


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současná18. 4. 2024, 03:58Náhled verze z 18. 4. 2024, 03:581 984 × 2 370 (3,65 MB)SlvrHwkUploaded a work by D. R. Lomax, P. de la Salle, M. Perillo, J. Reynolds, R. Reynolds, J. F. Waldron from [ "The last giants: New evidence for giant Late Triassic (Rhaetian) ichthyosaurs from the UK"] with UploadWizard

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