Soubor:Flag of Westerlo.svg

Původní soubor (soubor SVG, nominální rozměr: 600 × 400 pixelů, velikost souboru: 683 bajtů)



Municipal flag of Westerlo, Belgium.

The municipal flag of Westerlo is vertically divided yellow-red-yellow-red-yellow-red-yellow-red-yellow (nine stripes) with a blue engrailed border.
Zdroj SVG own work
Autor User:Phlegmatic
(Užití tohoto souboru)
Public domain
Flemish municipality flag

This image depicts a flag of a Flemish municipality or province. These flags have been registered with the register van gemeentewapens van de Vlaamse Heraldische Raad [1].

The flag belongs to the public domain of a city of municipality. Using it for advertising purposes, for example as a brand, is strictly forbidden.

Article 184 of the Belgian criminal law states that abuse of or forging a seal can be punished with imprisonment between three months to three years. Attempting to create a seal of misuse of it, is punished with imprisonment between one month and one year.

Using the seals by private persons, private institutions or associations is only allowed if the council of the municipality or city has officially given permission for this. See e.g. [2].

In view of Flemish legislation this image is seen as being in the public domain, as are reproductions of this flag.

English | Nederlands | +/−

Flag of Lier
Flag of Lier
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Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná6. 8. 2011, 22:42Náhled verze z 6. 8. 2011, 22:42600 × 400 (683 bajtů)PhlegmaticSimplify bloated code
21. 7. 2008, 15:12Náhled verze z 21. 7. 2008, 15:12600 × 400 (20 KB)NethunterModified code. Modified colours to FIAV colours.
27. 5. 2007, 19:04Náhled verze z 27. 5. 2007, 19:04540 × 360 (674 bajtů)Phlegmatic{{Information| |Description=Municipal flag of Westerlo, Belgium |Source=SVG own work |Date=27 May 2007 |Author=User:Phlegmatic |Permission=Public Domain }} Category:Flags of Belgian communes Category:SVG flags - Belgium Category:Westerlo

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