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Feargal Sharkey

"Feargal gave a talk last night on the state of the music industry at the Mandrake Club. Unfortunately it left me feeling fairly disillusioned...Feargal said much about the people who are losing money due to piracy, but had no ideas to share on how to solve this problem.
In Q&A I asked him whether the music industry might be better off focusing on selling scarce items (especially public appearance) rather than abundant items (such as digital artifacts, which can be shared without loss). Hat tip to JP for these ideas, by the way, I got them from him. Feargal ignored the point and said that the primary reason people make music is to make a living. citation from Flickr user Phillie Casablanca[1])
Zdroj Flickr (Phillie Casablanca)
Autor Phil Whitehouse from London, United Kingdom
Pozice fotografa51° 30′ 34,26″ s. š., 0° 07′ 18,92″ z. d. Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo

comment, allegedly by Mr. Andy Ferguson:
Paul, Andy Ferguson here, manager of The Undertones. I just spotted your picture of Feargal Sharkey at:

In your comments you say that Feargal said the "teenage Kicks" was about masturbation. I don't know what he was on that day but that is total nonsense. Feargal Sharkey did not write "Teenage Kicks" or any of The Undertones songs. It was written 100% by John O'Neill. The lyrics were never changed from the day it was written to the day it was recorded and it was never and is not about masturbation. John O'Neill is adamant on this matter. It is defamatory to say that that is the subject matter. I'm sure you'd rather have the truth printed in your name so I'm sure you will want to correct this. Andy Ferguson


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Tento soubor podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora 2.0 Generic
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  • šířit – kopírovat, distribuovat a sdělovat veřejnosti
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  • uveďte autora – Máte povinnost uvést autorství, poskytnout odkaz na licenci a uvést, pokud jste provedli změny. Toho můžete docílit jakýmkoli rozumným způsobem, avšak ne způsobem naznačujícím, že by poskytovatel licence schvaloval nebo podporoval vás nebo vaše užití díla.
This image was originally posted to Flickr by Phillie Casablanca at It was reviewed on 24. ledna 2009 by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

24. ledna 2009


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51°30'34.261"N, 0°7'18.919"W


0,016666666666667 sekunda

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná24. 1. 2009, 16:29Náhled verze z 24. 1. 2009, 16:292 659 × 2 736 (2,21 MB)FlickreviewRReplacing image by its original image from Flickr
24. 1. 2009, 10:51Náhled verze z 24. 1. 2009, 10:51486 × 500 (128 KB)Michig{{Information |Description= Fergal gave a talk last night on the state of the music industry at the Mandrake Club. Unfortunately it left me feeling fairly disillusioned...Fergal said much about the people who are losing money due to privacy, but had no id

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