Soubor:Bog Asphodel - - 1402752.jpg (640 × 480 pixelů, velikost souboru: 118 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: Bog Asphodel This is a closer view of some of the flowers that make up an extensive patch of Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) on the grassy moors below Pappert Hill: 1402750.

This is a native species, found in bogs and other wet acidic habitats. After flowering, the dried-up remnants of the plant retain a strong orange-yellow colouring for quite some time.

The specific name 'ossifragum' means 'bone-breaker'; as is explained in Richard Mabey's "Flora Britannica", that name is indirectly related to the habitat in which the plant is found: "it derives from the belief that grazing the plant made the bones of sheep brittle – though it was not bog asphodel which caused this, but the sour calcium-poor pastures in which it occurs".

As for the background, a small part of the River Clyde can be seen at the far left. Slightly to the left of centre, visible as little more than a thin pale-blue line near the top of a hill, is Carman Reservoir. The hills to the right of centre are Carman Hill and Overton Muir.
Zdroj From
Autor Lairich Rig
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Lairich Rig / Bog Asphodel / 
Lairich Rig / Bog Asphodel
Pozice fotografa55° 58′ 57,1″ s. š., 4° 32′ 50″ z. d.  Heading=247° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo
Pozice objektu55° 58′ 57,1″ s. š., 4° 32′ 50″ z. d.  Heading=247° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento snímek a mnohé další na: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Uveďte autora: Lairich Rig
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Bog Asphodel

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titul: Bog Asphodel (angličtina)
autor (textově): Lairich Rig

55°58'57.07"N, 4°32'49.56"W

směr pohledu: 247 stupeň

55°58'57.07"N, 4°32'49.56"W

směr pohledu: 247 stupeň


120 944 bajt

480 pixel

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současná1. 3. 2011, 12:49Náhled verze z 1. 3. 2011, 12:49640 × 480 (118 KB)GeographBot== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Bog Asphodel This is a closer view of some of the flowers that make up an extensive patch of Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) on the grassy moors below Pappert Hill: 1402750. This is a na

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