Soubor:Alloway Kirk.jpg

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English: Engraving by Capt. Francis Grose, made at the request of the poet Robert Burns, in return for which Burns wrote the poem Tam o' Shanter to accompany the illustration. Grose wrote, "This church is also famous for being the place wherein the witches and warlocks used to hold infernal meetings, or sabbaths, and prepare their magical unctions; here too they used to amuse themselves with dancing to the pipes of the muckle-horned Deel. Diverse stories of these horrid rites are still current: one of which my worthy friend Mr. Burns has here favoured me with in verse."
Zdroj F Grose, The Antiquities Of Scotland, 1797
Francis Grose  (1731–1791)  wikidata:Q4150369 s:en:Author:Francis Grose
Francis Grose
Francis Grosse; Captain Grose; F. Grose; Grose; F. G.; F Grose Esq; Captain Francis Grose
Popis britský lexikograf, jazykovědec a malíř
Datum narození / úmrtí 11. června 1731 Edit this at Wikidata 12. června 1791 Edit this at Wikidata
Místo narození / úmrtí Londýn Edit this at Wikidata Dublin Edit this at Wikidata
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creator QS:P170,Q4150369


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současná24. 1. 2012, 21:40Náhled verze z 24. 1. 2012, 21:402 168 × 1 529 (1,53 MB)Kim Traynor

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